Name: Hi Mountain Populaire 110k (RUSA Populaire/ Route#2027 )

Ride Start: MONDAY, Jan 16 at 0800
Ride End: Jan 16 at 1516
Time Limit: 7:16
Worker Ride: chk w/ RBA
Important Documents: (draft) mapfile cuesheet.xlsx cuesheet.pdf
Cost: $5 for all riders
Registration: closes Thursday Jan 12
Start Location: French Park, SLO
Description: Interesting populaire goes where the brevets don’t go!

Begin at RBA’s home, map above. Head down Orcutt Road and out past Lopez Lake. Take Hi Mountain Rd to the end of the pavement, then enjoy the run back out of the canyon. Next, ride out Huasna Road to old Huasna Townsite corner, with likely sightings of turkeys and maybe wild pigs after dropping into Huasna Valley. Return to Arroyo Grande for your first civilization of the day and maybe an ice cream. Finally, back to SLO on Corbett Canyon Rd.
please use Google Group SLORando for general questions or email SLO RBA